Friday, December 26, 2008

My Christmas 2008

Our Christmas 2008
I received the best Christmas gift ever! We don't go big on Christmas presents and if asked I always say that I only want lots of love & happiness.....

Well my girls went to Gateway last week & I heard hubby talking to them on the phone a few times. They were so excited to give me my present and were so proud of their choice.


I got a Guess handbag, something I would never bought for myself! I am so chuffed!

Both my girls have Guess handbags & purses that Ilse bought when she was in Canada in July. But I didn't want her to spend so much money on me!
I always take much care & time when buying presents, and I always try to buy something they will use and want or is different!
Ilse got a iTrip to connect the iPod to car radio.

Anel got new speakers for her car, and daddy has to install them today

We all went to church on Christmas morning and then spent the lest of the day lolling around. We had our Christmas dinner at home, just the 3 of us. We haven't been at home for Christmas for the last 10 years, so this was a very special day for us as a family.


Marcelle said...

Merry Xmas Anil...
wow you sure got all the gifts your family got...very special indeed.
I only got my first and only guess bag last October for my 4th wedding present while hubby was visiting in CT....its something I have also always wanted...took me a long time to buy one as they are NOT cheap!!

My other Little World said...

Lyk asof Kersvader baie lekker geskenke gebring het! :)

Lekker slaap.

ANIL said...

Marcelle: I've always wanted one.....

Cilla: Kersvader het goeie "shopping" gedoen!

~PakKaramu~ said...

Happy new year to you

Zelia said...

Thanx father Xmas - I would luv a guess bag as well... NICE