Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Babies

At the age of 18, after a series of blood tests, scans and X rays, and I was informed that there is a 90% change that I would never have any children. I have PCOS( – the eggs in my ovaries didn’t ripen for release in the fallopian tubes). That was shocking news to a girl on the brink of adulthood. My mom cried with me and supported me so much during that time.
Years later, when my husband and I went to tell her that I was pregnant, she actually said “ I Don’t want to be a grandmother” and left. Only the following morning did she come to see me at home and brought me/baby a beautiful baby grow. I think, over the years, she prepared herself for fact that I would never have any children, and it was such a shock to her to realise that I was actually pregnant. Up to today we still tease her about the fact that she didn’t want to be a grand mother (she has 6 grandchildren)

7 years later, my first baby was born after 4 years of marriage to my high school sweetheart. She was the most beautiful baby I have ever seen, and YES, I know all parents say that. She was born on 39 weeks by caesarean section. My proud husband, Mom and Dad were there. This was a miracle.

At 36 weeks my Dr informed me that she would have to be born by caesarean section due to the disproportion of my pelvic bones. I was very upset at first. I was young and healthy and wanted everything to be perfect. After her birth, my Dr explained that there would be no chance of ever giving normal birth. He strongly believed that it was connected to my intense sporting days, and the fact that I wear a size 3 shoe.

She was the first grandchild and, needless to say, the blue eye girl of the family! She looked just like her father, with lots of long black hair. He always said that he would like a little blond girl with blue eyes, but with his dominant genes, there was almost no chance for that. She got the blue eyes though.

Soon after birth we realised that she was allergic to milk, and after switching to infasoy, things were much easier for this new mom.

By 10 months she started walking and then all my troubles started. She kept me busy from morning to night and sleep time was a nightmare. I had to hold her tight, while kicking and screaming, until she fell asleep. Once asleep she would sleep right through the night.

In spite of her hyperactivity, she was the best thing that ever happened in our family.
She was always laughing, and hardly ever cried. She had grandma just where she wanted, and until today she is still the apple of her eye. Must say she loves her grandparents just as much as they love her.

When she was 2 years, we decided we should try to have another baby, to be a friend for her! But is will also be perfect just to have just the one, a miracle baby.

After trying for a year, I decided to make an appointment with the Dr. Again he told me that chances are slim to fall pregnant, but put me on a product called clomid. After 7 months of terrible side effects, the results came back +. Joy like you’ve never seen in our family. My mom was convinced that this was going to be twins (it is quite common after taking clomid). We waited with great anticipation for the 9 week scan, and to great relief there was only 1 heart beat.

The pregnancy was as easy as my first one, and this time we knew it was going to be a caesarean section. At 38 weeks our 2nd daughter was born, just as beautiful as her sister. Her sister was so proud, and by now she was already 4 years old.

In hospital already they put her on infasoy, as precaution to possible allergy. She was spitting up her whole feed. After lots of tests and dr’s appointments, her paediatrician diagnosed an underdeveloped oesophagus which influenced the motility of the muscles of the oesophagus (Gastroesophageal reflux is a condition in which stomach contents travels backward from the stomach to the esophagus, rather than down through the digestive system ). The prognosis- she should outgrow the condition by 13 months. The treatment - we had to thicken her milk with nestargel.(a product with no nutritional value) to keep the milk down.
She was such a content little baby from then on. She never cried and was always amused by her sister. She had her first birthday party, without a tooth and without giving her first step. A few days later she actually started walking, and hasn’t stopped moving since.

It proofed to be a difficult with 2 very active toddlers in the house. She was, however, totally different to her sister with regards to sleep. When she was tired, she would just come and sit on my lap, and seconds later be fast asleep.


Marcelle said...

What miracle babies you have - am sure you have enjoyed every moment with them, they sure are blessings in your life.

Thanks for sharing this with me!!

Marcelle said...

thanks so much for your kind comment Anil..
I did reply in my blog!

Marcelle said...

Hello Anil

Thanks for always coming over to read my means a lot to me that I can share my life with you and you your life with me via this way...very special.

I found taking photo's with the flash the camera is slower, even my new DSLR one, I do prefer working in the setting without flash, but not always possible. The pics of Josh were taken at night so with flash...I find it flashes 3 times and on the last one it captures, by that time Josh has looked down or still not sure how to do it correctly when photographying little kids via flash.