Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Overcome Insecurities

Overcome insecuritiesMon 7 Sep 2009, 06:14 (3) 7 Comment(s)

Insecurity has to do with lack of confidence. It is a problem and a limitation to personal growth and peace of mind. It's acceptable for teenagers to go through this phase but it's sad that most adults still suffer from self doubt and insecurities. It's that "I'm not good enough" thinking that crowds the mind.

You may not want to talk about this anxiety but to others it is obvious. People can tell that you need reassurance through your actions, attitude and gestures. You've got to get it sorted out and rid it from your system or you would put not only you but also others through mental distress.
You can start by telling about your insecurity to someone you trust, a counselor or a coach. It doesn't make you less of a man or woman to talk about your weakness.
At the same time, become more aware and notice your feelings so that you can pause and think through before you continue with your habitual way of reacting.
Watch your behavior like how another person would see you. Do you think it is agreeable and pleasant?
Take a look at your set of beliefs. One of the ways to challenge them is to keep asking yourself questions and insist upon answers until you reach a threshold where you tell yourself, "That's it."
Put constructive thoughts inside your head instead of replaying the same disturbing internal voices. Reprogram your mind with a new image and reaffirm with positive words.
Visualize your image, one of confidence and certainty and act as if you are already confident and assured.
Pay attention, see where you need to improve and continue working on it. Persist and with each small shift in your attitude, you will overcome your insecurities.

I red this article about insecurities & it opened my eyes for me. Although I don't think about myself as a person with lots of insecurities, I realised but in any one of us there is still that little child, that wants to do everyting to please others.
I have been going through a very difficult time in my life the last few months.
I realised with a shock that it was me that changed. I now want everybody in my family to change as well. Some good....others not so good!
If I think : what brings about this change?
I was raised in a house where there was no grey areas - either right or wrong. Structured & rigid like you cannot believe.
Now that I am getting older I want everybody to be like this.......but it's not their personality!
(to be continued)

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